Managed funds are a popular investment choice in Australia, offering investors an opportunity to pool their money with others to access a diverse range of investments. Managed by professional fund managers, these funds can provide a convenient and effective way to grow wealth. This article explores how managed funds work in the Australian investment landscape.

What are Managed Funds?

Managed funds are investment schemes where money from multiple investors is pooled together and invested in a portfolio of assets. These assets can include shares, bonds, property, and other securities. The fund is managed by professional investment managers who make decisions on where to invest the pooled money.

Key Features of Managed Funds
  1. Diversification
    • Managed funds invest in a range of assets, which helps to spread risk. Diversification can protect against the poor performance of individual investments.
  2. Professional Management
    • Experienced fund managers handle the buying and selling of investments. Their expertise is particularly valuable for investors who may lack the time or knowledge to manage their investments.
  3. Accessibility
    • Managed funds offer an accessible way to invest in a variety of assets, some of which may be difficult or expensive for individual investors to access directly.
  4. Liquidity
    • Most managed funds allow investors to withdraw their money within a short period, although withdrawal times can vary.
  5. Regular Income and Growth
    • Depending on the type of fund, investors may earn income through regular distributions or focus on long-term capital growth.
Types of Managed Funds
  1. Equity Funds: Invest primarily in shares.
  2. Fixed Interest Funds: Invest in government or corporate bonds.
  3. Property Funds: Invest in commercial, industrial, or retail properties.
  4. Balanced Funds: A mix of shares, fixed interest, and property.
How to Invest in Managed Funds
  • Initial Investment: You can invest in a managed fund by buying units in the fund. The minimum investment amount varies between funds.
  • Additional Investments: You can generally make additional investments at any time.
  • Unit Prices: The value of your investment is determined by the unit price, which can fluctuate daily based on the fund’s underlying asset values.
Fees and Costs

Managed funds charge fees for administration and management. These can include management fees, performance fees, and entry or exit fees. It’s important to understand all fees before investing.

Tax Considerations

Income earned from managed funds is subject to tax. Investors typically pay tax on any income distributions and capital gains from the fund.

Risks of Managed Funds

All investments carry risk. The value of managed funds can go up and down depending on market conditions and the performance of underlying assets.

Choosing a Managed Fund

Consider factors such as investment goals, risk tolerance, fund performance history, fees, and the fund manager’s reputation.

Managed funds offer Australian investors a way to access diversified investment portfolios managed by professionals. They can be a suitable option for those looking to invest in a range of assets with different risk and return profiles. However, like any investment, it’s important to conduct thorough research or seek financial advice to ensure the fund aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. With careful consideration, managed funds can be an effective component of an investment strategy.