
Tag: business planning

What is a business structure?

This article provides an overview of different business structures in Australia and their variations. It covers sole traders, partnerships, companies, trusts, their differences, and factors to consider when choosing a business structure. The article is designed to help business owners make informed decisions about the most suitable structure for their business needs.

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Basics of Buying a Business

This article provides a comprehensive guide for new business owners on buying a business. It covers assessing goals, financial assessment, due diligence, business valuation, legal considerations, negotiating the sale, financing, transition planning, and the importance of professional advice. Thorough preparation and informed decision-making are emphasized as crucial for a successful business acquisition.

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Cash flow basics

This article provides practical strategies for business owners to improve their cash flow. It covers efficient invoicing, receivables management, expense control, maintaining a cash reserve, effective inventory management, cash flow forecasting, financing options, revenue maximisation, and seeking professional advice. Effective cash flow management is crucial for the financial stability and growth of a business.

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Analysing a new customer

This article provides guidance for business owners in Australia on analyzing new business clients for credit provision. It covers the importance of client analysis, credit checks, financial statement analysis, business track record assessment, setting credit terms, documentation, ongoing monitoring, and the importance of seeking professional advice. Effective client analysis is emphasized as crucial for risk management and establishing profitable business relationships.

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What is payroll tax?

This article provides a detailed overview for Australian business owners on payroll tax, including its definition, importance in budgeting, calculation, managing obligations, and understanding state-specific requirements. Accurate budgeting for payroll tax is emphasized as vital for financial planning, compliance, and profitability.

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What is single touch payroll?

This article provides a straightforward guide for business owners on the basics of Single Touch Payroll (STP). It covers what STP is, who needs to report, the information reported, benefits, setup, compliance, and seeking assistance. Understanding and implementing STP is crucial for compliance and streamlined payroll processes in Australia.

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Basics of Recruitment

This article provides a comprehensive guide for business owners on the basics of recruitment. It covers defining roles, sourcing candidates, screening, interviewing, assessments, reference checks, making job offers, and onboarding. Effective recruitment strategies are emphasized as key to building a successful team and driving business growth.

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Cash flow basics for business

Effective cash flow management is vital for the success and sustainability of a business in Australia. It requires diligent tracking, strategic planning, and proactive management of both inflows and outflows. By understanding and applying the basics of cash flow management, businesses can navigate through financial challenges and capitalise on growth opportunities. Regular consultation with financial advisors or accountants can also provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to specific business needs.

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Understanding GST in Your Business: Navigating the Goods and Services Tax

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services, and other items sold or consumed in the country. As a business owner, understanding how GST impacts your operations is crucial for compliance and effective financial management. This article provides an overview of the essentials of GST in the Australian business context.

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Basics of a Commercial Lease

A commercial lease is a significant commitment for any business in Australia. Understanding the terms, rights, and obligations is essential for making informed decisions and negotiating favorable conditions. Ensure you consider the suitability of the premises for your business, the total costs involved, and seek legal advice to navigate the complexities of commercial leases successfully. With careful consideration and planning, a commercial lease can be a stable foundation for your business operations.

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